About Us

image 1Denver Real Estate Services, Inc. is a full service residential real estate firm that helps local property owners get a handle on their Property Management, Leasing, Purchasing, Sales and Real Estate Investor goals. We help clients save time, energy and money by cutting unnecessary maintenance cost, lowering expenses and serving as a long-term resource.

Our Commitment To Success

Ten percent of our company’s net profits go to youth financial literacy. Every quarter we host workshops at schools, community centers and conferences to help inner city youth understand personal finance, debt management and best practices for good financial health.

Why I Do What I Do

I began leasing properties intended for fix and flip projects in late 2006, when home values across the Denver area began to plummet due to the rise of foreclosures. My plan was to lease the homes until the market cycled. The first tenant I placed defaulted in three months, trashed the brand new carpets, ruined the brand new glass top stove, and left the home so dirty that I had t o haul two loads of his garbage to the dump. The tenant had been screened and found to have a steady income, an average credit score and a good rental history. So, what else could have indicated that the tenant would default and saved me financial strain? After undergoing thorough professional financial training after the market crash of 2006-2008, I acquired a trained eye to recognize healthy and unhealthy financial habits. Tenant screening is now much more to me than just income and rental history verification, reviewing credit reports and analyzing background checks.

As a result of our enhanced tenant screening capabilities, we’ve only had two evictions in the last six years (including my first renter).

Our Team

Our agents thrive on using their experience to help clients make better decisions for the long term.

Madelyn Felix, Property Manager/Agent

Madelyn FelixMadelyn Felix is the founder of Denver Real Estate Services, Inc. Ms. Felix has more than 14 years of real estate investment experience and has invested in more than 20 properties. She can call on more than 11 years of firsthand experience in maintenance and remodeling to paint a clear picture about what needs to be done to help you succeed. She has the formal insurance, asset protection and macroeconomics training to allow her to understand and capitalize on the real estate industry on a national and global scale. She is an expert in financial health and helps clients manage their real estate investments and other long-term financial strategies. She is passionate about educating and helping people thrive.